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Completely pre-assembled energy supply for gondola lift in fairground ride

Robust, safe, UV-resistant: the pre-assembled "readychain" ensures quick assembly and disassembly

There is hardly an application where the reliability of all parts is as important as in a fairground ride. In the case of the "Wild 'n Wet" white water ride, this also applied to the power supply for the gondola lift, which travels to a height of 20m. The Trier-based elevator manufacturer Baasch & Didong GmbH was looking for a solution that would reliably move all the cables in continuous operation. And that with a 180-degree rotation of the gondola when going up. Further challenges for the material: absolute reliability under constant UV radiation, extreme heat, frost, rain and splash water. A strong solution for continuous use was found with an E4/4 energy chain. And as a completely pre-assembled "readychain", quick and cost-effective installation as well as easy dismantling at a later date is guaranteed.


  • What was needed: E4/4 energy chains, delivered as [Link pagenr="21742" title="pre-assembled "readychain®" system"]
  • Requirements: Stability and reliability in continuous use, resistant to permanent UV radiation, heat, frost as well as rain and splash water from the ride, modular and quick to assemble and disassemble complete solution
  • Industry: Amusement parks, fun rides
  • Success for the customer: During the first few days of the Bremer Freimarkt, at least 15,000 trips were made on the rafting ride without interruption. Despite the height and the 180-degree rotation, the E4/4 ensures a high level of stability thanks to constructive tricks. The e-chain moves silently, which is an indication of low friction and vibrations. Factors that have a positive effect on the service life.
White water ride The cables of the elevator of the "Wild 'n Wet" white water ride (on the left) are guided in an E4/4 energy chain. Freedom from failure and safety have the highest priority here.

Products used


In the same year that the transportable rafting run "Wild 'n Wet" was presented, the attraction had to prove itself in a stress test. In the first few days of the Bremen Freimarkt alone, 15,000 trips were made on the rafting run. But there weren't any interruptions.
The energy supply, which reliably moves all cables of the 20-metre high gondola lift, also plays a part in this. This lift brings the gondolas, designed for up to nine passengers, to the starting point of the white water ride. From there, the turbulent slide begins through the serpentine downward winding water tube. The lift covers the 20-metre distance in just a few seconds.
The Trier lift manufacturer Baasch & Didong GmbH, which was entrusted with the implementation of the lifts, had to find a suitable solution for the cable guidance mentioned. Since 1998, Baasch & Didong have built lifts for three stationary rides at Phantasialand near Cologne and Belantis Park near Leipzig, among others. The special challenge for the energy supply: When it is raised, the gondola on its platform rotates 180 degrees around the lift structure. Due to the 180-degree rotation, centrifugal forces also act on the parts. 
At the same time, the platform emptied at the top descends in the opposite rotation to pick up the next gondola.
But that's not all. All parts of the lift, including the energy supply, are also permanently exposed to wind and weather. Due to the constant solar radiation, a chain made of UV-resistant material that does not become brittle was required. Normal plastic would quickly become brittle here. The same applies to the insulation of the power cables. Last but not least, heat, frost and moisture should not be able to damage the cable guidance. Not only rain showers but also splashing water from the ride itself must not affect the reliability of the system.
When the fair is over, the ride and all the equipment have to be dismantled and transported to the next location in the shortest possible time. This required a ready-to-connect energy chain with the right cables already running through it.


The power for the lift is transported via two robust and reliable, fully harnessed energy chains of type E4/4 (3838 series), which reach from the power connection at the bottom of the lift up to the power connection of the units on the platforms.
The [Link pagenr="21742" title="fully harnessed energy chain, the so-called "readychain""], offers the user several advantages.
From the procurement of all necessary special parts up to the provision of the ready-to-connect system at a fixed assembly date, the customer transfers his entire procurement logistics to the supplier efficiently and safely.
Where the automation of machines and industrial plant is concerned, there is a whole series of different reasons to decide in favour of pre-assembled energy supply systems. Manufacturing costs decrease, sources of errors are practically excluded. Less project planning work is needed whereas reliability increases. Together with the field staff, the requirements for the overall system were defined on site before an individually harnessed "readychain" energy supply system was put together.
The chain itself is made of special plastic, which is light but almost indestructible. The energy chains not only withstand the mechanical loads caused by the sometimes rapid movements, but also protect the cables in the chain from damage. In order to remain strong even with the centrifugal forces resulting from the 180-degree rotation, the E4/4 has a so-called undercut design. This constructive trick ensures that when rolling up and down in the bend, the front chain link grips the following one and thus stabilises it.
In the "Wild 'n Wet" lift, the two E4/4 energy chains run in wear-resistant guide channels. During the rapid upward movement with simultaneous rotation, this prevents swinging to the sides. The e-chain moves so silently that not even a faint hum can be heard. The smooth operation is an indication of low friction, little vibration and therefore a longer service life. The energy chain protects the power cables housed inside from damage.
White water ride lift While one lift platform with gondola goes up, the second comes down.
White water ride lift The gondolas in the lift tower bridge a distance of 20m. Even with hundreds of movements a day, cables and energy chains must work reliably.
White water ride lift Clearly recognisable: The E4/4 energy chain on the Wild'n'Wet lift tower. The harnessed energy chain system protects and guides the electricity for the wooden conveyor belts of the platforms.

Test laboratory: Permanent optimisation

When it comes to fairground rides, operational safety is the be-all and end-all. Hardly anywhere else does the TÜV make similarly high demands before approval. And the operators also have an increased interest in a failure-free run. Every minute lost due to downtime costs money. We guarantee the reliability of the energy supply system. The daily tests in our company's own laboratory on an area of 3,800m² also play a role here. For decades, enormous effort has been put into testing and constantly optimising design and material variants depending on specific customer- or application-related parameters. Only the highest quality power cables are used on the "Wild 'n Wet" rafting run. And if an extension is planned one day, the readychain solution offers reserves for additional cables. Several integrated traction cables make it very easy to install additional cables, for example for new lighting effects.

More on applied products here

Further interesting applications from extremely diverse areas can be found here.

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igus® GmbH points out that it does not sell any products of the companies Allen Bradley, B&R, Baumüller, Beckhoff, Lahr, Control Techniques, Danaher Motion, ELAU, FAGOR, FANUC, Festo, Heidenhain, Jetter, Lenze, LinMot, LTi DRiVES, Mitsubishi, NUM,Parker, Bosch Rexroth, SEW, Siemens, Stöber and all other drive manufacturers mention on this website. The products offered by igus® are those of igus® GmbH